Monday, November 16, 2009

Wearing a diaper for dental work?

I am going under to be put to sleep for dental work, and I read on a website that they recommend for slightly longer procedures that you wear depends incontinence briefs. I was wondering if anyone ever heard of this or is this makes sense. Do people lose bladder control when they go under or since they can't wake up to go to the bathroom. I guess i dont wanna wear a diaper but it would be worse to wet my pants in his chair.

Wearing a diaper for dental work?
Speaking as a Dental Assistant, I agree with the person that answered before me. Unless it is a VERY long procedure, you will completely fine. If you are nervous, make sure to completely empty your bladder before hand and avoid drinking alot before you go in. Even if an accident was to happen, most health professionals have seen a little bit of odd behavior happen in their presence and I assure you that no one will ever make fun of you or ever bring it up to you. I, personally had two root canals and 4 wisdom teeth extracted all at in the same visit while I was sedated and the worst that happened to me was that I drooled all over the place, but I assure you that in any dental practice this was a commonplace happening. Best of luck!
Reply:If you have never had a problem with incontinence before, you have NOTHING to worry about when you go for your dental work. You will not lose bladder control. Forget you ever read that article.
Reply:I have heard from a doctor that sometimes you do lose bladder control when under anesthesia. When you are in the O.R. the nurse takes care of the problem and you don't even know that it happened. That's why they have you remove your underpants before surgery.
Reply:If you're receiving general anesthesia, you will be required to be NPO (nothing by mouth) for at least 6-8 hours prior to the procedure.

This not only helps prevent the situation you mention, but prevents you from vomiting and aspirating the vomit (breathing it into your lungs) and therefore risking pneunomia.

I have been a healthcare teaching assistant for over 20 years and have never heard of this recommendation. If you normally have problems with incontinence, you may of course wear a diaper for your own peace of mind. The best source would be to ask your oral surgeon about this; he/she will probably laugh and say, "No, you don't need a diaper."
Reply:I once had a 2 hour operation that turned into a 15 hour one and asked about this, The anaesthetist told me that it was rare for anyone who had no problems to 'go' during an operation. And, apparently, I didn't.

Much to my unrelief.

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