Monday, November 16, 2009

I need a lot of dental work on my molars. I'm 24, have 2 kids, anemic with both resulting in little cavities

that got bigger. I've had a bad experience with dentists, but I found one I love who pulled out my wisdom teeth so I'm giving dentists a second shot. Now, would it be cheaper and wiser for me to get them pulled and to get a bridge for the last 2 teeth OR just settle for a root canal and caps. I need about 5 root canals. I haven't got dental work done because I really can't afford it. I just paid off my credit cards with my income tax refund. I efiled the first day it was available. How do I achieve the most for my money?????

I need a lot of dental work on my molars. I'm 24, have 2 kids, anemic with both resulting in little cavities
If it is your last two teeth than you will need an implant to hold the bridge in the back and that is surgery. Either option has its risks (root canals can fail and your body can reject implants) usually it is recommended that an implant is the best option because less things can go wrong with it later on (your natural tooth could get decay under the crown or abscess, etc, and still need to be extracted) but that should really be decided on a tooth by tooth basis. Have a consultation with your DDS and ask them if it was a family member what would they recommend? There are a lot of factors to consider but if you trust your DDS I would go with their opinion. Good luck restoring you oral health!
Reply:Discuss your concerns with your dentist. Explain your money problem too. A good dentist will advise you taking all factors into consideration. Root canals are painful and expensive, however bridge work is not cheap either. Personally given the choice, I would go with the bridge work. Have you considered implants?

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