Friday, May 21, 2010

If you are a dentist or work in a dental office? Or maybe just someone that knows?

My dental office and dental hyginest always tell their patients to use Lysterine (any kind) for better dental health. Does anyone know if the new Crest Rinse is better (without the burn) or if Lysterine is in fact the best. I now am in good standing with my teeth and want to stay that way. Any help would be appreciated.

If you are a dentist or work in a dental office? Or maybe just someone that knows?
well you have to understand the difference between mouth wash and mouth rinse.

Listerine is a mouth wash, because it has no flouride, and basically just cleans out al the bacteria and germs in your mouth.

Crest Rinse, has flouride, and while it will help to clean your mouth up, it also provides flouride, which supposedly strengthens your teeth, although there is no definitive proof of that beng true.

Flouride is a type of radiation, so the cons to using it are rare, to most medical professionals knowledge, but underresearched, and very possible- including cases of cancer, etc.. So you should only use a flouride rinse once a week or at most, every other day, depending on how easily your teeth decay- obviously this is your choice, though.

Conspiracy theorists- enjoy this page:

Now, there isnt much to say that flouride is actually beneficial for us, so I personally steer clear of it at this point.

With Mouth WASH, you still get the germs killed, and those germs are what really cause cavities, anyways.

More on flouride:

Anyways, DONT use flouride, if you can help it. The Listerine will do just fine. =)
Reply:I worked in a dental office. Never heard anybody recommend lysterine. Personally, I've used it for years 3x's a day. But It never worked for very long. Then I heard somewhere that the alcohol in lysterine actually kills the natural germs in your mouth that control bad breath. So I switched to plaque and another off brand mouth wash w/o alcohol and my mouth is easier to manage. Good luck.


Can't Stand Dentist
Reply:That is SO funny. I was JUST asking my husband the same exact question tonight when he was using mouthwash. I was wondering also because the alcohol in Listerine dries your mouth out really bad which leads to bad breath etc etc. I wonder if the Crest would do the same thing? I hope you don't mind if I watch your question. I would love to find out!!
Reply:Lysterine is the the best. I was using Crest and the last time I went to the dentist, I told them that I was using the Crest and maybe thats why I dont have cavities.They laughed a little. I asked them if it was better, and they said that Crest will make sure you dont have bad breath, but it really doesn't do a great job with cavities, tarter, etc and they recommended that I use listerine and sent me home with a bottle. :) The burn really does mean its working, i suppose!
Reply:I don't know anything about Crest but I can tell you that the active ingredient in Lysterine is thyme oil. Yes, the same stuff you season meat with is a wonderful germ killer, but it is hot. It kills bacteria, fungi, viruses and candida.

Another alternative is available at your natural food store. They have mouthwash made with xylitol. This modified sugar has been getting great reports in Europe - for gum health, cavity prevention and also to prevent ear infections!
Reply:the clinical research over the last 20 years supports the use of listerine due to the essential oils it contains. A new product called Breath Rx rinse and paste and oral spray can be found at fred meyer and it contains the active ingredient of both listerine and Crest pro rinse. this also does not contain alcohol which is a skin irritant and can cause dry mouth which is not good for the mouth.
Reply:I have worked in the dental field for the last 11 years and we did promote Listerine until the new crest mouth wash came out. We now promote crest as well as having our patients rinse with it before we clean their teeth or do any dental work. I think it tastes great and does not burn. It also does not leave your tongue feeling funny or make food taste funny hours later. Give it a try! The worst thing that can happen is that you do not like it. You may also trying going to the crest website to check on free samples
Reply:Definately use Breath Rx!!


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