Monday, May 17, 2010

Does tieing dental floss around a mole really work?

I tied dental floss around a small hanging mole yesterday and it still has not fallen off like I have heard it does. It is starting to hurt now. Has anyone ever done this before? How long does it take and is it suppose to start to fee aggitated?

Does tieing dental floss around a mole really work?
I've heard that if you tie dental floss or a hair around a skin tag it will strangle it and it will fall off. now this probably takes a few days, and I have heard that it is painful as it is cutting off the blood supply to it. I'd have a doctor do it just to be safe.
Reply:Never heard of that. But i have heard that its not good to pick at moles. if you dont want them then u need to get them surgically removed. picking them can cause them to become cancerous. get it checked out

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1 comment:

  1. Tie a tighter knot, pain can be alleviated by applying ice to the mole for ten minutes, I generally disinfect, ice, tie off very tightly then shave it off with a disinfected razor blade. Apply iodine and triple antibiotic ointment.


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